- Free Sounds For Fl Studio 20
- Free Sound Effects For Fl Studio 10.5
- Download Sounds For Fl Studio
- Free Sounds For Fl Studio 12
- Best Free Fl Studio Sounds
FL Studio is one of the most powerful music production tools around, with an array of synths and effects available right out of the box. But like most producers, you could probably use a few more plugins! Here we’ve put together some of the best free plugins for FL Studio, which should cover you for almost every imaginable musical scenario.
Freesound: collaborative database of creative-commons licensed sound for musicians and sound lovers. Have you freed your sound today? Effects can add excitement to your FL Studio tracks. Learn how to master your tracks and use FL Studio effects in this free digital audio workstation tutorial from our music recording expert.
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Sitala is a drum plugin that can also be used as a standalone app. Although it is about as simple a drum plugin as you could want, it will find a place in almost any project due to its musicality and highly intuitive interface. Sitala’s six knobs and sixteen pads encourage you to use it as an instrument, which results in more musical beats and grooves.
Best Features & Specs
Sitala features 16 assignable pads that should be familiar to anyone who’s ever used a drum plugin before. You can drag and drop your own samples right into these pads or use the factory kits that come with the plugin.
Sitala also includes an array of sound-shaping tools that lets you put your own stamp on your drum sounds. With features such as ‘Shape’, ‘Compression’, and ‘Tone’, recreating traditional drum beats or more experimental grooves is a piece of cake.
Like the best free FL Studio plugins, the beauty of Sitala lies in its simplicity. We found that it lets you lay down grooves quickly, and the results are always musical. We especially like how the interface allows you to play it like an instrument.
Piano One by Sound Magic
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Sound Magic’s Piano One is reminiscent of the Yamaha C7 concert grand, which is highly revered by many professional piano players. Based on Sound Magic’s Hybrid Modeling Engine, Piano One combines the best qualities of physical modeling and sampling. The result is an amazingly rich and responsive sound that often felt like playing a real piano.
Best Features & Specs
Sound Magic’s Hybrid Modeling Engine does a great job of combining the realism of piano samples and the responsiveness of physical modeling. Unlike other modeled instruments, Piano One responds instantaneously, with no sluggishness or delay. The sound is reasonably rich and full-bodied, particularly when playing sustained low notes. The plugin even comes with an onboard reverb that simulates environment and soundboard resonance for added realism.
Even with its limitations, Piano One is a pretty impressive piano plugin. If you need a range of basic piano sounds but don’t have the cash for a humongous piano library, Piano One is worth looking into.
TyrellN6 & Zebralette by u-He
TyrellN6 is based on the legendary Roland Juno 60, which is one of the most iconic analog synthesizers ever made. Users of the venerable classic will appreciate the simplicity and ease of use of this plugin, which lets you create deep bass, lush pads, and cutting leads with relatively little effort.
Zebralette isn’t based on any particular instrument. Rather, it is a teaser of sorts for u-He’s well-respected Zebra 2. It has the same great-sounding oscillator that is in Zebra, giving you a taste of what you could achieve with the more fully-featured product.
Best Features & Specs
TyrellN6 and Zebralette give you a pretty diverse range of sounds, from classic to cutting edge. TyrellN6’s classic architecture is the ticket to thick and lush vintage sounds, with noise and a ring modulator joining the two oscillators for extra flavor.
Zebralette is a more esoteric plugin that allows for the creation of more outlandish and experimental sounds. This is a great entry point into the sonic possibilities offered by Zebra 2, and we were thrilled to find that Zebralette patches can be opened in Zebra 2.
TyrellN6 and Zebralette are compact yet powerful synths that will find a place in any modern production. Even if you already have some powerhouse synths in your collection, these two free VSTs for FL Studio are worthy additions.
Guitar M Lite II
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Guitar M Lite II offers studio musicians the crisp and authoritative sounds of the Martin D-41 acoustic guitar in a convenient software plugin. Developed by Ample Guitar, M Lite is a great way to add glistening acoustic textures to your productions, even if you don’t happen to have a guitar player handy.

Best Features & Specs
M Lite is a sample-based instrument that weighs in at just under 850 MB. It includes standard guitar articulations such as hammer-ons and pull-offs, palm mutes, and pops, allowing you to create surprisingly realistic performances. The plugin also offers Customized Parameters Control (CPC), which lets you add more expressive touches via MIDI CC or automation.
We especially like the plugin’s Strummer function, which allows for some pretty convincing strummed performances. Strumming is where most acoustic guitar plugins fall short as far as we’re concerned, so were pleasantly surprised to find it implemented so convincingly in a free plugin.
Those with discerning ears aren’t likely to be fooled by M Lite. But if you need some rudimentary acoustic guitar parts for a mockup, this plugin will do very well in a pinch.
LABS by Spitfire Audio
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Spitfire Audio’s LABS has created quite a stir in the software plugins world, so we were eager to put it through its paces. At present, the collection already covers a pretty broad range of instruments, and more are being added all the time. And because each instrument is a labor of love by dedicated musicians and sampling experts, the results are consistently impressive.
Best Features & Specs
Each LABS instrument comes in the form of a dedicated plugin, rather than a library you load in a software sampler. We found the user interface to be focused and refreshingly straightforward, with easy to use controls for dynamics and expression. We also like the inclusion of a knob that can be customized for whatever function the user wants.
The LABS collection currently includes strings, guitars, pianos, brass, drums, vocals, percussion, synths, and experimental instruments. Although not quite as detailed as more extensive sampled libraries, we had no trouble making them fit into our productions.
The LABS instruments are about as straightforward as plugin instruments can be. Even if you already have a collection of software instruments, you will probably find a use for some of these plugins.
Vinyl by iZotope
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iZotope has long been known for its excellent noise reduction and sound improvement plugins. So it was a bit of a surprise when the company rolled out a plugin that adds grit and dirt to audio. With Vinyl, you can dirty up your tracks with a healthy helping of dust, scratches, and mechanical noise, instantly giving them the character of a vintage recording.
Best Features & Specs
As the name implies, Vinyl makes tracks sound like they are being played from a turntable. Ideally suited for every stage of the production process, we found this to be the most convenient solution to get the authentic vibe heard on ’60s and ’70s recordings.
We like how you can control how much ‘pixie dust’ you can add to your tracks. Whether you need just a few cracks and pops, a touch of mechanical noise, or you really want to thrash your audio, Vinyl provides independent control over each element.
Vinyl works on pretty much everything from drums and strings to full mixes. If your tracks are sounding just a bit too clean, this plugin will let you dirty them up in a few clicks.
Ozone Imager 2 by iZotope
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iZotope’s Ozone Imager 2 offers a quick and easy way to alter the stereo image of your tracks. Whether you need to widen a pad or string section or narrow down your bass and kick drums to fit into a mix, Ozone Imager lets you do so quickly and easily.
Best Features & Specs
The most obvious application of Ozone Imager is to widen an audio track. If you need your synth pad or string section to fill up the soundstage, Ozone Imager will get the job done without imparting any sonic anomalies that could make mixing a nightmare.
Ozone Imager provides two flavors of Stereoize: one lets you widen source audio with a cool phasing effect, while the other widens signals more subtly. The plugin also has three vectorscope meters that give you instant visual feedback on your stereo spread.
Ozone Imager is a fairly simple plugin that is useful for mixing as well as creative experimentation. If you are struggling to make certain elements fit into a mix, this is one you can try out, of check out or list of other mixing plugins.
Download for Free
MAutoPitch is a pitch correction plugin developed specifically for vocals and monophonic instruments. Simple and straightforward, it is nevertheless capable of producing great-sounding results that compare favorably to more expensive pitch correction plugins. It even has formant shift and stereo-expansion features that expand its capabilities as a creative audio production tool.
Best Features & Specs
Compared to many FL Studio plugins for free, MAutoPitch has quite an impressive user interface. It can be resized freely and has standard meters as well as time graphs. It also has sophisticated multi-parameter features such as mid-side and 8-channel surround processing. We particularly like the onboard safety limiter and the automatic gain compensation (AGC) features that keep levels in check.
All MAutoPitch parameters can be mapped for MIDI control and automation. This enhances the plugin’s value as a creative tool, making it more than just a “set-and-forget” processor.
From subtle pitch correction to creative sound design, MAutoPitch does it all. If you do a lot of vocal work, this plugin is an essential addition to your toolbox.
Supermassive by Valhalla DSP
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Supermassive is only one of a handful of time-based plugins that form the bedrock of Valhalla DSP’s stellar reputation. The company’s delays and reverbs compare favorably to much more expensive plugins, and their features and capabilities are well known to producers across the globe. With Supermassive, the company once again proves its expertise in developing lush and exquisite sounding plugins, with a few more tricks up its sleeve.
Best Features & Specs
Supermassive is designed specifically to produce spacious and expansive delays and reverbs. Ideally suited for adding atmosphere to dry and lackluster productions, it sounds just as good when dialed down for more subtle ambiance.
Like all Valhalla DSP plugins, Supermassive is freely resizable, with precise controls for every parameter. It is based on a system of feedback delay networks, with each delay ultimately being processed by a unique WARP control. This allows you to produce everything from twinkling echoes to rich and deep reverbs and everything in between.
Supermassive is easily a great VST for lush ambiance, even able to compete with our list of top VSTs on the market. Even if you already have a couple of favorite reverbs and delays, you will likely find yourself patching in Supermassive every time you need a unique atmosphere in your productions.
Pancake 2 by Cableguys
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Cableguys’ Pancake 2 handles a variety of panning and imaging functions in a slick and easy to use interface. Like all Cableguys plugins, Pancake 2 offers full control over the most useful parameters, giving you total control over your sound. You also have plenty of options to modulate the source audio as you wish, so you have free rein over your creative vision.
Best Features & Specs
PanCake allows you to set and forget the modulation depth and rate if you wish, although you could also draw in your own modulation curves. This feature is perfect for panning audio in time with the tempo or ramping up the speed for a buildup.
Of course, the plugin’s LFO can be set to sync to your host DAW’s tempo as well. Speeds from ¹⁄₁₂₈ notes to 32 bars are possible, giving you a wide range of movement options. The plugin also has a left/right display so you always know what is going on with your soundstage.
Like the other top FL Studio plugins out there, Pancake 2 can be as simple or as complex as you wish. Whether you need subtle movement in your tracks or you are looking for more intense panning functions, Pancake 2 is one of the best free plugins for FL Studio.
Разбираем vst плагин Fl-Keys в Fl Studio
В этой статье мы будем разбирать такой vst плагин как fl-keys. Так как, работая с плагинами, не все знают, их настройки регуляторов, зачем они вообще нужны и за что отвечают.
FL-Keys – это плагин симулятор пианино. Это пианино для fl studio является наиболее популярным так как является стандартным.
С помощью этого vst плагина в fl studio, вы также можете использовать такие инструменты как Rhodes Roto Organ (чтобы поменять инструмент, нажмите на вкладку sempleset и выберите нужный инструмент).
Приступим разбирать такой простенький, но довольно обширный плагин.
- Здесь как я писал выше, вы можете выбрать необходимый инструмент, нажав на вкладку и выбрать из выпадающего списка.
- Decay – этот регулятор регулирует сведение распада звуковых волн в то время как нажата клавиша. Чем выше значение регулятора, тем быстрее будет замолкать инструмент, чем меньше значение тем дольше будет инструмент играть (незатухать) при нажатой ноте. Это полезно для органов и других незатухающих звуков.
- Release — устанавливает время затухания звука после отпускания клавиши.
- Pan – этот регулятор представляет в себе две функции: от среднего положения влево, ручка применяется, соответственно, от 0% до 100% от автоматического панорамирования эффекта пан к звуку. Автоматического панорамирования скорость зависит от параметра LPD в разделе Misc из средней позиции направо, регулятор применяется, соответственно, от 0% до 100% эффект тремоло на звук. Тремоло скорость зависит от параметра LPD в разделе Misc.
- Stereo – устанавливает позицию стерео панорамирования ( налево клавиши пианино панорамированы налево, направо клавиши пианино панорамированы направо).
- Overdrive – устанавливается мягкий овердрайв, для генерируемого звука.
- LPD — Устанавливает частоту LPD блока, который используется в авто панорамирования пан и тремоло (см. выше).
- Treble – это фильтр, который позволяет уменьшить или увеличить высокие частоты генерируемого звука.
- Stretch — используется для высокого шага (чем выше шаг, тем больше растяжение, которое применяется к нему). Регулятор имеет диапазон от -50 до +50 %. Чтобы выключить эффект нужно установить на 0%.
- Muffle – это тонкий фильтр низких частот, применяется чтобы заглушить генерируемый звук. Установив значение к минимуму звук становиться приглушенным (отдаленным).
- Hardness – этот фильтр регулирует яркость звучания инструмента. Добавляет высокие частоты, что делает звук более твердым.
- Sensitivity – это регулятор чувствительность громкости, который регулирует громкость чувствительности звука к сведению скоростей.
- Tune — позволяет компенсировать настройкой все записи из цента -100 до +100 центов.
- Detune – позволяет менять высоту ноты. Этот эффект позволяет имитировать Honky Tonk фортепиано звук. Прибавление расстройки может добавить реализма в звуки фортепиано. Установите величину расстройки 0 для идеальной настройки (если Stretch используется, см. выше).
Show/hide keys
- Эта маленькая кнопочка позволяет прятать или наоборот показать клавиши пианино.
Ну, вот и разобрались с vst плагином fl-keys. Надеюсь, вам все было понятно. Если есть вопросы, пишите в комментариях и мы их обсудим. Понравилась статья ставим лайки.
FL Studio Producer 11 Review
PROS / This software has a vast loop and sound library.
CONS / Recording live instrumentation requires a bit of a learning curve.
VERDICT / FL Studio#039 s strengths are in a large loop library and many virtual instruments to create music.
FL Studio Producer 11
FL Studio's interface is nothing to write home about. It is a bleak, bluish-gray color, and unattractive. The transport sits atop your workstation and seems clustered with buttons and controls. Fortunately, when you hover over an icon, a description of the button displays in the top left-hand corner of your screen. Without that, a beginning user would certainly be lost.
Recording live instrumentation into FL Studio is different when compared to other DAWs. To record audio, you have to load an insert effect called Edison into the channel strip that you wish to use for your recordings. Edison is mainly used for recording one or two sources of audio. To record multiple audio sources simultaneously (multi-track), you have to arm the disk recording button on the mixer for each channel strip you want to record with. Having two separate ways to record audio is confusing.
The strong suit of FL Studio lies within its tools and its ability to create electronic music. This music recording studio software started as software to create electronic beats, and Image Line never forgot that. To this day, FL s piano roll is perhaps the most powerful in the digital audio workstation industry. This MIDI recording method uses step sequencers to help you compose and arrange your audio. To create music using the step sequencer, you can drag and drop sounds and loops to add them to the sequencer. Then you can activate a step (a note or loop) by left-clicking on it and remove the step by right-clicking.
FL studio boasts a large sound library. There are many virtual instruments, as well as effects that you can apply to them. There are also many sound loops and clips that you can use in your musical compositions. The depth of the sound library is impressive and attests to the production aspect of this software.
The relationship between the step sequencer and the arrangement window is confusing at the beginning. The arrangement window is where you piece all of your patterns and compositions together. The step sequencer is where you create patterns (loops) to add to the arrangement window. To listen to only your step sequencer, make sure the PAT light is on under the track time keeper on the transport. To listen to the entire arrangement of loops, highlight the song button below the timekeeper on the transport.
As software based on MIDI production, it is no surprise that FL Studio has a large number of plugins to apply to your audio recordings. This software offers over 30 synthesizers, drum machines, sample pads and other effects. The studio edition of this software features more plugins than the producer edition we reviewed, and upgrading is as simple as going to the website and downloading the studio version.
If you own a different DAW but prefer the MIDI recording capabilities of FL Studio, you can actually use FL almost as a plugin for another software. This is called rewire. The entire FL Studio program can be used as a complement to another DAW, which makes this software even more versatile.
Best VST Plugins For FL Studio
There are just too many to mention.
I can not really say which is the best for FL studio but I can tell you which are widely used and for what purpose.
The effects that are in it are doing the work as perfect as any other DAW. The only thing you#8217 ll have to purchase in the future, whether you have to pay for it or not are good Synth and drum VST#8217 s. Nevertheless this DAW does much more than most DAWs when you#8217 re talking about manipulating sounds .
Best VST Plugins For FL Studio
When you practice with the plugins you already have then I wouldn#8217 t be picky with VST#8217 s plugins you want to buy and want to add to your collection. You often think with your eyes but put a magnifying glass on and take a look what you already have and you will be amazed what fl studio vst plugins has to offer. So you#8217 ll see, it#8217 s more than you think you know. I#8217 m still amazed to this very day what I can do to tweak sounds with FL. I can give you a tip for when you just start making music. Take a package of fat sounds and stick with it for a while. With to many vst#8217 s and patches you can#8217 t see any threes through the forest. This way, you#8217 re just listening to sounds instead of spending your time with producing. Do you want something that does it all, then I would advise you to purchase NI Komplete. It will cost you some but you will get real professional sounding instruments and effects. I can tell you, this package has just about everything you need. I just lift out a few because there are just too many to discuss. I will talk about them later on other pages.
XLN Audio Addictive Drums 1 and 2
Good sounding drums was hard to find for me for a long time until I heard Illmind (Hip hop producer) talking about Addictive drums. I often used sampled drums from vinyl records and threw it into my MPC. To make my drums more alive my drums needed more finesse. To let my drums sounds more realistic I had to throw some other drums on top of it or had to sample more air as if it was recorded in one room. Listen to the album from !llmind #8220 Behind The Curtain#8221 or check his video down below and then you will know what I mean. It did the trick for me.Addictive Drums is a complete Drum Production Studio. The concept is based on three different stages during recordings. First you need rough recordings of drums and cymbals. Secondly, it must be mixed with all the effects and other equipment you think you need. Thirdly, for the perfect monster track you will need a drummer for the grooves, beats and fills. The sampler AD and AD Effects Processor are available to establish sounds, resulting in a perfect mix. XLN Audio Addictive Drums has it all.
I think Massive is one of them beast VSTi if you are looking for thick basses and searing lead sounds. It has many presets you can use for all kinds of music. These sounds can be stacked in a multi for an even fuller sound. It can be used very simple. What I like the most is that you can make thick digital or warm analog sounds with Massive oscillators.
Spectrasonics Trilogy and Trilian
I make mostly hip-hop music. Bass sounds are very important in this genre is and therefore I work primarily with Trilogy or Trilian. I also work with bass vst#8217 s from Scarbee which I love also but primarily with basses from Spectrasonic, it does the job properly for me.
Top 20 Freeware VST Plugins Released This Year! (Best Of )
What better way to end the year on a website such as BPB than making a retrospective of all the best free VST plugins which were released in the past twelve months? Let#8217 s take a look at #8217 s finest freeware instruments and effects and see if your VST plugin folder is missing out on something good!
Please note that this Top 20 list only includes plugins which were released in . If you#8217 re looking for an all-time list of free VST plugins, take a look at our freeware VST directory. It contains links to hundreds of fantastic freeware effects and instruments, sorted into different categories for easy browsing.
You can also enter our Christmas Giveaway for a chance to win free copies of more than 10 commercial products, including FL Studio. LuSH-101. Ultra Analog VA-2. etc.
Free Sounds For Fl Studio 20
Don#8217 t forget to spread the word by sharing a link to this article on your website, your favorite music production forum, or on Facebook. Twitter. etc. Thanks!
It#8217 s time for this year#8217 s freeware VST plugin countdown! Enjoy reading and feel welcome to leave your opinion about the list in the comments section!
#20 Brzoza by Saltline (Windows)
I#8217 ve decided to begin this year#8217 s Top 20 list with Brzoza. an interesting freeware FM synthesizer plugin for Windows. The instrument was developed by Saltline. a company which was on quite a roll in , releasing several pretty cool instruments and effects as part of their Drzewo free VST plugin series.
We don#8217 t have too many freeware FM synthesizers around, and Brzoza is an interesting instrument to try if you#8217 re in need of a polished tool for FM synthesis. It is a two operator monophonic FM synthesizer with three modulators per operator. It does lack polyphony, however it works great for creating classic FM bell sounds, as well as FM leads and basses. The synthesizer received a positive review in Beat Magazine #90. getting a highly respectable 5.5/6 rating. Take a look at our free FM synthesizer round-up for more freeware FM synths.
Don#8217 t miss the rest of the Drzewo plugin series, either! If you#8217 re looking for a freeware additive synthesizer, ADHDidi by Saltline is a great pick. Their CBW01 drum machine is also pretty neat (although it requires registration to the Music-Society forum) .
Download. Brzoza (32-bit VSTi plugin format for Windows)
#19 ULTRAkILLER by NOVAkILL (Windows)
Originally released as a gift for people who purchase their album, NOVAkILL has decided to re-release their ULTRAkILLER virtual hybrid synthesizer as a free instrument in October .
The plugin is based on a mix between subtractive and additive synthesis. ULTRAkILLER features one standard waveform oscillator and one unison oscillator, but the real fun starts with the SPECTRAL generator which is basically a high quality additive oscillator.
The list of features is expanded with a built-in trance gate effect, 2 drive stages, and a cool 8-slot modulation matrix. The plugin is well designed and easy to use, packing a lot of horsepower in a compact package. It#8217 s a great synthesizer for creating modern dance music leads and classic trance sounds.
Download : ULTRAkILLER (32-bit VSTi plugin format for Windows)
#18 NadIR by Ignite Amps (Mac Win)
NadIR is a freeware guitar cabinet IR loader plugin developed by Ignite Amps. Released in late , it already has some pretty tough competition in the fantastic LeCab convolver effect by LePou .
NadIR is designed as a high quality guitar cabinet impulse response loader which will provide zero latency performance with a low CPU hit. Since the plugin works at zero latency, it is a great tool for live performances and tracking. The plugin also features analog modeled filters which sound great and can be used for quick and easy tone shaping. The same developer has also released TPA-1. a cool freeware tube amp VST plugin which is totally worth checking out.
Chances are you#8217 ll need some good guitar cabinet impulse responses to go with this plugin. You can grab those in our guitar cabinet IR round-up article which sums up the best cabinet impulse responses which are currently available for free download.
Download. NadIR (32-bit 64-bit VST/AU plugin for Windows Mac)
#17 DuckEQ by HeelAudio (Mac)
The only Mac exclusive plugin on this list is DuckEQ by HeelAudio. This handy plugin is a dynamic equalizer with a sidechain input. It can be used for ducking specific frequency bands, as well as for standard ducking and dynamic equalization.
DuckEQ offers more control than a basic sidechain compressor, making it possible to achieve more transparent and natural sounding results. By ducking a specific frequency range, you can choose to only remove the clashing frequencies of two sounds without a noticeable amplitude drop.
Apart from DuckEQ. the same developer has also released a neat mix reference plugin called MixRef. I really hope to see their plugins ported to Windows one day! For now, the only freeware Windows alternative to DuckEQ is IQ4GUI by Platinumears .
UPDATE: As suggested in a comment posted by BPB reader Unruval. a closer Windows alternative to DuckEQ would actually be Equinox by Platinumears .
Download. DuckEQ (32-bit VST/AU plugin format for Mac)
#16 Tyrell N6 V3 by U-He (Mac Win)
Whaaat. Tyrell N6 on 16th place? Am I going loco? Nope! The third iteration of the magnificent Tyrell N6 synthesizer simply didn#8217 t bring enough new features to be included higher on the list of this year#8217 s highlights.
Even so, it#8217 s still awesome enough to be included on the Top 20 list. The latest version of Tyrell N6 comes with a bigger (and great looking, btw!) GUI, around 20 bugfixes, 64-bit support for Mac users, as well as support for the up-and-coming VST 3 plugin format.
So, while the instrument itself is easily the best freeware virtual analogue synthesizer out there, the V3 update which was released in didn#8217 t bring enough improvements to put it on top of this list. It still is an amazing piece of free software, though, which should be installed in everyone#8217 s VST folder.
If you don#8217 t have it already, got get it right away. If you#8217 re using an older version, grab Tyrell N6 V3 from the link below and enjoy the new design and bigger layout. You might also want to grab the great looking free skin for Tyrell N6 V3 designed by Jazzigula .
Download. Tyrell N6 V3 (32-bit 64-bit VSTi/AU plugin for Windows Mac)
#15 EXD-80 by THS (Windows)
My favorite freeware drum synthesizer of is EXD-80, the premiere VSTi plugin released by Third Harmonic Studios. I#8217 ve had a tough time choosing only one of the several cool virtual drum machines which were released this year, so I#8217 ll name them all here. If you#8217 re a drum machine fan, definitely check out DrumBurst X-824 by HG Fortune , VR-08 by ALIPAPA , Dream Drums Beta by Odo Synths. and CBW01 by Saltline. They#8217 re all worth a look and it#8217 s not impossible that you#8217 ll prefer one of them compared to the one included in the list.
What made EXD-80 stand out from the crowd in my case is the fact that it#8217 s capable of generating some pretty quirky and lo-fi sounds. I love layering a drum synthesizer sequence underneath the main drum loop and modulating several parameters to add interest and motion to the overall groove. The EXD-80 works great for that purpose, although it can also perform very well as the main drum instrument in a track.
This virtual analogue drum machine features 8 individual drum modules (kick, snare, open hats, closed hats, and five percussion sounds), paired up with 4 stereo outputs. Having multiple stereo outputs is a neat feature if you want to further process your drum sounds inside your DAW#8217 s mixer channel. It supports VST host automation (quite an important feature in my case) and user definable MIDI mappings, which is a nice feature to have at your disposal when working with hardware controllers.
EXD-80 was the first ever and still the only release by Third Harmonic Studios. I hope to see them expand their product arsenal in .
Download. EXD-80 (32-bit VSTi plugin format for Windows)
#14 sforzando by Plogue (Mac, Windows)
Without any bangs and whistles, the streamlined sforzando by Plogue deserves its place on this list as the first fully featured freeware sampler which was designed to work with the SFZ format. We have several good SFZ players in the freeware world, but sforzando is the only one which was designed specifically for use with this format. It#8217 s also a great tool to use when developing your own SFZ instrument patches.
So, what#8217 s the big deal about the SFZ format? In short, it#8217 s a powerful and completely royalty free file format developed for use with sample libraries. Anyone can use it to create patches for a group of audio samples, and distribute the patch file completely free of charge. The format is very easy to learn and it#8217 s well documented. Everything you need to learn this format is listed at the Cakewalk website .
With sforzando. you can develop your SFZ instrument patches inside a single program. Load up a SFZ patch and test it, then open the built-in text editor and fix any issues or bugs. Save the patch and test the results right away. The plugin also features a format converter, enabling the user to drop an SF2 or WAV file and have it instantly converted to the SFZ 2.0 format.
Download : sforzando (32-bit 64-bit VSTi/AU/RTAS plugin for Win Mac)
#13 Dream 64 V2 by Odo (Windows)
After a long break, Dutch developer Odo Synths has finally returned to action this year with a great freeware release. His new Dream 64 V2 virtual synthesizer is easily one of the best freeware Commodore 64 VSTi plugins around. Based on the sound and functionality of the legendary SID chip, this unique virtual instrument is all you#8217 ll ever need for creating those classic super fast old school arpeggios and blippy chiptune leads.
The heart and soul of Dream 64 V2 is the brilliant wavetable editor which was a big part of SID chip#8217 s magic. The SID chip wavetable editor was used to create the signature Commodore 64 drum sound pioneered by Rob Hubbard .
Luckily for the non-tweakers among us, the instrument comes with a great library of factory presets covering all basic Commodore 64 video game sounds. If you#8217 d like to create your own sounds using the wavetable editor, here#8217 s a good place to start your journey .
Another great Commodore 64 synthesizer released this year is basic65 by de la Mancha. While not intended as a faithful copy of the original, it can produce some great chiptune sounds and comes with a lovely set of factory presets.
Download. Dream 64 V2 (32-bit VSTi plugin format for Windows)
#12 T-Force Alpha Plus by Mastrcode Music (Win)
Mastrcode Music has completed (at least for the time being) their T-Force series of trance inspired instruments and effects with the release of T-Force Alpha Plus virtual synthesizer for Windows.
A gift from heaven for trance music producers, the T-Force Alpha Plus provides all the tools one would need for creating classic trance leads, pads, and bass sequences. The instrument features subtractive and FM synthesis, 3 multi-wave oscillators, a neat 32-step trance gate, and a nice set of built-in effects including delay and bitcrusher. All of this in an easy to use interface with five separate control panels.
For more trance tools by the same developer, take a look at the T-Force Trance Gate and the T-Force Alpha TS virtual synthesizer. Another great freeware choice for trance music producers would be the TranceDrive virtual synthesizer with an additional set of presets provided by Maik Menz (who is also the developer behind this cool instrument) .
Download : T-Force Alpha Plus (32-bit VSTi plugin format for Windows)
#11 SX36 by J1000 (Windows)
J1000 has developed a nifty collection of free mastering grade effects for Windows. His most notable release in was the SX36 freeware 3-band equalizer with M/S processing features.
This plugin is the perfect tool for controlling the stereo image of your audio tracks. Adjust the frequency crossover points according to your needs and use the M/S equalization technique to get a more defined and stable bass sound and better stereo spread in the higher frequency ranges. Due to its great set of features and easy workflow, SX36 is also included in our list of free mastering VST plugins .
If you#8217 re on a lookout for classic equalizers, grab the PQ33 parametric EQ and the QX24 parametric equalizer which also acts as an exciter. Another great choice would be the MQ57 parametric mastering equalizer.
Download : SX36 (32-bit VST plugin format for Windows)
#10 Venom VB-303 by antto (Windows)
The middle position belongs to the most controversial freeware plugin on the list. After years of development and months of beta testing, the long awaited Venom VB-303 by antto was finally released in April this year. Praised for its fantastic sound and blamed for the archaic workflow faithful to the original instrument, this is without question the best freeware Roland TB-303 emulation in existence. The instrument is a must-have for all acid fans.
When it comes to sound, Venom VB-303 comes incredibly close to its legendary hardware counterpart. Here#8217 s an audio comparison of the two instruments. You#8217 ll have to admit that it#8217 s hard to notice a significant sonic difference between the two.
The problem lies within the fact that Venom also copies the workflow of the TB-303. making it a hard bargain for inexperienced users. Still, we don#8217 t see such detailed emulations of hardware instruments in the freeware world very often (SQ8L comes to mind, among the very few) and that is why Venom VB-303 gets the well deserved 10th place on this list.
Free Sound Effects For Fl Studio 10.5
Take your time to learn the controls and you#8217 ll soon have a fantastic acid bassline machine in your instrument arsenal. The tutorial video linked below is a good place to start!
Download. Venom VB-303 (32-bit VSTi plugin format for Windows)
#9 Lisp by Sleepy-Time DSP (Windows)
Sleepy-Time DSP has released several simple yet incredibly useful freeware plugins in , quickly gaining the reputation of a very talented and responsive developer. His only release in was Lisp. a superb freeware de-esser which instantly became my go-to freeware tool for cleaning up sibilant noises in vocal tracks.
What makes this free de-esser stand out from the crowd is the fact that it uses a somewhat different approach to tame those pesky ear piercing sounds. Lisp uses quick frequency detection paired up with a transient detection algorithm to quickly identify sibilant noises and reduce their amplitude. The effect is already pre-tuned to the human vocal range, so less time is needed to tweak the plugin to optimal settings. The processed vocal tracks sound natural and free of the drowned upon lithp effect (which is often the result of pushing a de-esser too hard) .
To make things even better, Lisp is greatly optimized to reduce the CPU load thus allowing many instances per project without affecting the overall performance. It is also possible to work in M/S mode, as well as to process individual stereo channels. If you like Lisp. take a look at the free STR Legacy Bundle by the same developer. You#8217 ll find a wonderful selection of freebie tools for your software studio.
Download. Lisp (32-bit 64-bit VST plugin format for Windows)
#8 Luftikus by lkjb (Mac, Windows)
Developer lkjb has returned to the scene in with the release of Luftikus. a freeware analogue style equalizer for Windows and Mac. The plugin was well accepted on audio forums such as KVR Audio and Gearslutz and was often described as a pretty decent freeware alternative to the Maag EQ4 by Maag Audio .
Luftikus is a great sounding 6-band parametric equalizer. The secret is in the 6th band labeled High Boost and often regarded to as Air Band on similar equalizers. This frequency band can be set from 2500 Hz all the way up to 40 kHz and be used to add sparkle and shine to your mixes. Some time after the initial release, Luftikus was updated with a great looking GUI provided by one of the users.
The same developer has also released PitchedDelay. a neat freeware delay effect with pitch shifting. It was released as an entry in the KVR DC12 developer contest, reaching the 23rd place on the list.
Download. Luftikus (32-bit 64-bit VST/AU plugin for Windows Mac)
#7 Aalto Solo by Madrona Labs (Mac, Windows)
Here#8217 s one for all modular synthesizer aficionados out there! The Aalto Solo is a fantastic semi-modular synthesizer by Madrona Labs. released as freeware in January . It is basically a monophonic version of the acclaimed Aalto virtual instrument.
It was released as a Facebook exclusive freebie at first (along with Einklang LE by Eisenberg). but it is now available as a free download for everyone on Beat Drive. You#8217 ll need to register for an account at Beat Drive. but the process is easy and completely free.
It#8217 s easy to spend hours upon hours experimenting with this awesome freeware synthesizer. You#8217 ll have loads of fun exploring all the possibilities and come up with some intriguing sounds in the process. Get Aalto Solo right away if you#8217 re a modular synth fan and get ready to find yourself lost in the magical world of intoxicating patches and endless flows of modulation sources. Wait#8230 what? I#8217 ve obviously spent too much time playing around with this thing.
Download : Aalto Solo (32-bit 64-bit VSTi/AUi plugin for Windows Mac)
#6 Supercharger by Native Instruments (Mac,Win)
The only non-freeware plugin on this list is Supercharger by Native Instruments. It isn#8217 t freeware, but you can still get it for free until December 31st, !
This place also belongs to several other fantastic plugins which were free for a limited time this year, including Renaissance Bass by Waves , Single Mault SE by FXpansion. and Mono Bass by Boz Digital Labs. Actually, you can still get Mono Bass for free if you hurry up!
Supercharger is a great sounding compressor with a simple one knob workflow. The algorithm adapts the attack and release times of the compressor to the characteristics of the audio signal on the input, making it super easy to find the compression sweet spot. The plugin also features a handy Mix parameter for easy NY style compression and a nice Drive mode for added saturation. It works great on the drum bus, but it can also be used on bass tracks and other sound sources.
Once the promo period ends, the regular price of $49 will become active. Hurry up and get this brilliant compressor for FREE while you can!
Download : Supercharger (32-bit 64-bit VST/AU plugin for Windows Mac)
#5 sixtyfive by de la Mancha (Windows)
After the unfortunate crash of his website last year, de la Mancha has surprised everyone with some great freebie re-releases in ! One of his formerly commercial plugins which are now re-released as freeware is the brilliant sixtyfive compressor inspired by the famous dbx 165A hardware unit.
According to this audio test by RHYTHMINMIND. the sixtyfive compressor comes amazingly close to its hardware counterpart. This freeware RMS compressor is a great choice for subtle use on your master bus, as well as for adding glue to drums and other percussive elements of your mix.
I#8217 ve had a hard time choosing between all the great freebies de la Mancha has released this year, so I#8217 ll list them all here. You should definitely check out the basic65 synthesizer inspired by the SID chip, the truc2 multi-effect plugin, the PULS chiptune synthesizer, the amazing dirty harry lo-fi synthesizer, as well as the juicy GTA compressor!
If you enjoy these plugins, support de la Mancha#8217 s cause by making a donation to Cancer Research UK and joining the fight against cancer. You’ll find further instructions on his official website .
Download : sixtyfive (32-bit VST plugin format for Windows)
#4 IVGI by Klanghelm (Mac, Windows)
At the time of releasing the commercial SDRR saturation effect, Klanghelm has also released the freeware IVGI saturation tool which is based on the same set of algorithms. It is a compact tool with simple controls and a great sound.
The plugin is designed as a soft saturation device, suitable for use on individual audio channels, as well as on the stereo bus. It features 4 parameters which can be used to alter the character and transparency of the applied saturation. You can either go for mild saturation, or push the effect into overdrive zone. IVGI is also included in our free mastering effects round-up .
Speaking of Klanghelm. you can enter our Christmas Giveaway for a chance to win their magnificent DC8C compressor effect. I would also recommend its little brother DC1A which is one of my go-to compressors for vocals. This brilliant little compressor is used in every single one of my projects.
Download : IVGI (32-bit 64-bit VST/AU/RTAS plugin for Windows Mac)
#3 FireBird 2 by Tone2 (Windows)
The highest ranking freeware virtual synthesizer this year is FireBird 2 by Tone2 Software. This highly acclaimed commercial virtual instrument went full freeware in and instantly earned its place as one of the best freeware synthesizers in the world.
Tone2 Software has decided to re-release FireBird 2 as a freeware product after 7 years on the market. Some new instruments have taken its place in the Tone2 Software product line (the brilliant Saurus in particular). however FireBird 2 still has a huge amount of synthesis horsepower to offer. As opposed to similar VA synthesizers in the freeware realm, the instrument is based on Harmonic Content Morphing synthesis which defines its sound properties and workflow.
This unique virtual synthesizer features 84 oscillator types containing 18,000 morphable waveforms and an array of 38 different filter types. To get you started, a great collection of 437 factory presets is included. The plugin also features 21 arpeggiator types and 13 built-in effects.
You can get Tone2 Software#8217 s magnificent Nemesis virtual synthesizer for free in our Christmas Giveaway . It#8217 s a user friendly FM synthesizer based on an innovative approach to FM synthesis.
Download. FireBird 2 (32-bit VSTi plugin format for Windows)
#2 Feedback Compressor II by TDR (Mac, Win)
Building upon the foundation set by its critically acclaimed predecessor , Tokyo Dawn Labs has released the final version of TDR Feedback Compressor II in April . The plugin went through a long Beta stage in and ended up as one of the best mastering compressors in the freeware scene.
In simple terms, TDR Feedback Compressor II analyzes the audio signal at the output stage, rather than on the input. This approach (also known as feed-back compression) results in a highly transparent sound, suitable both for mixing and mastering tasks. The updated version of the plugin introduces new and improved compression algorithms and a completely revamped control scheme. Read a detailed review of TDR Feedback Compressor II at Lean Audio .
Tokyo Dawn Labs has released another great freeware mixing tool called Proximity. It was developed in tandem with VladG Sound who is the developer behind Molot. one of my favorite freeware compressors.
Download. Feedback Compressor II (32-bit 64-bit VST/AU plugin for Windows Mac)
#1 ThrillseekerVBL By VOS (Windows)
The title of the best freeware plugin released in as chosen by BPB goes to the amazing ThrillseekerVBL by Variety Of Sound. It is the latest release in the brilliant Thrillseeker series of freeware effects for Windows.
This broadcast limiter type of effect uses the Stateful Saturation algorithms developed by Variety Of Sound to provide authentic analogue sound in a digital environment. ThrillseekerVBL works fantastic for gentle leveling and can add depth and warmth to a variety of sound sources. A detailed review of the plugin is available at Modern Mixing .
I often use it on bass and drum tracks, but it can also work well for leveling vocals and other kinds of sounds. Use it to add character and make your sounds stand out in the mix.
You should definitely check out the rest of the Thrillseeker series. Download your free copies of Thrillseeker XTC and ThrillseekerLA and add a bit of that 3rd dimension to your mixes!
Bootsie went a bit silent during the past couple of months. Too silent for my taste! I sincerely hope that he#8217 s preparing some nice freeware surprises for us in . In the meanwhile, I#8217 ll enjoy mixing my tunes using the rest of his brilliant Thrillseeker series and all the great freeware released so far by Variety Of Sound .
Download. ThrillseekerVBL (32-bit VST plugin format for Windows)
Honorable Mentions
Needless to say, these weren#8217 t the only notable freeware VST plugins released in . Some brilliant developers have released a variety of very cool freeware tools and I will list them all below, in no particular order. Kudos to all!
German developer WOK has released several very useful freebies in the so called One Trick Pony series. These plugins were designed to perform a single task with maximum simplicity. Take a look at the Tapebrake tape stop effect, Emonizer micro-pitch shifter, Instaback audio reverse effect, and the nifty REFO-D reverse delay.
Download Sounds For Fl Studio
Legendary xoxos remained active in with the release of Stoooner. a peculiar percussion sample mangler for Windows. You should also take a look at his commercial Bong drum synthesizer. It#8217 s a great instrument based on the Roland TR-909 sound.
HG Fortune has generously re-released a large number of his previously commercial synthesizers as freeware in , as part of the Nearly Forgotten Gems series. My favorite ones are Alien Space Weaver Pro and AlioNoctis. but you should definitely check out the rest of the NFG series if you#8217 re looking for cool atmospheric synthesizers.
Several pretty useful guitar effects were released by AXP who stepped on the scene in early . His CharBooster effect is pretty neat, as well as the SoftDrive GV distortion effect based on the Guv’nor pedal by Marshall .
More guitar goodies came from TSE Audio. who has released the TSE X50 virtual guitar amp based on the Peavey 5150+ amplifier. It works fantastic for getting high gain guitar sounds. Great stuff! I#8217 m also a big fan of his TSE B.O.D bass guitar pedal which was updated to v2.0 in late .
The updated Zampler RX by Beat Magazine(developed by Synapse Audio) is a great freeware instrument which supports the SFZ format. There are numerous sample libraries available for free download on the official website. including Commodore 64 Synthesizer Sessions DELUXE by BPB and Rhythmic Robot .
Chokehold entered the development scene in with several useful sample based instruments. My favorite one is the Tiny Metal Impact percussion instrument. Another cool one is the Les Paul Custom SG guitar instrument featuring samples provided by Kriminal .
Final Words
Rating other people#8217 s hard work is never easy. I#8217 ve tried to be as fair as possible, but in the end, the plugins on this list are ranked according to my own preferences. My favorite plugin could easily be your #10 and vice versa. We all have different tastes!
Free Sounds For Fl Studio 12

Do you agree with this list? Have I missed any great freeware release from ? I#8217 d love to see your suggestions in the comments section. Posting your own Top 20 list in the comments is more than welcome!
Once again, thank you all for visiting BPB and contributing to this blog. I hope we#8217 ll all enjoy more great freeware releases by the generous and talented developers in and use them to make some fantastic music.
In the meanwhile, please share this article on your favorite forums and social networks and help BPB reach more people. Spread the news! Thank you all so much and see you again in !
Источники: http://bigsong.ru/plagins-fl-studio/plagin-pianino-fl-keys-v-fl-studio.html, http://audio-production-software-review.toptenreviews.com/fl-studio-review.html, http://getinstrumental.com/best-vst-plugins-for-fl-studio/, http://bedroomproducersblog.com//12/26/top-20-free-vst-plugins-best-/
Best Free Fl Studio Sounds
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